February Virtual Author Events at Euclid Public Library
Stop by the new temporary location in Shore Cultural Centre

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Meet Flipster!

Flipster provides you with current magazines in a digital format to use with your active EPL library card. Easy to use, magazines can be downloaded to Android™ phones and tablets, Apple® phones and tablets, and Kindle Fire tablets for offline reading anytime, anywhere.

Mobile Hotspot Updates

Euclid Public Library announces updates to the Mobile Hotspot Lending guidelines. Patrons can now place available mobile hotspots on hold and are allotted to one renewal after initial checkout. Click below for more information about changes to EPL's Mobile Hotspot Program.

New Computer Sign-On & Printing System

In alignment with the other CLEVNET libraries, users now have the ability to login to any computer at the library using their library card (no computer access card necessary) and bypass daily time limits when no one else is waiting. Cardholders can print up to $1.00 worth of color and black & white copies free each day and pay only $0.25/color and $0.10/black & white for additional copies