December 2024: Euclid Public Library signed the lease agreement for EPL at 185th.
The Board of Trustees approved a moving proposal from Armbruster Moving and Storage at the December meeting.
Preparations for the renovation began with staff packing designated areas of the library.
November 2024: Bialosky Cleveland and RFC Contracting completes Bidding, Permitting, and Construction Procurement process.
At the November meeting, the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved the lease for the Lakeview Enterprise office.
Bids from moving companies have been submitted and are being reviewed.
October 2024: Director Armstrong continued to work with the City of Euclid to identify a city owned location for the use of the One Time Strategic Investment Funds.
Director Armstrong and Deputy Director Bowman offered two Renovation Town Halls this month to residents to provide an update on the upcoming renovation plans. Renderings and floorplans, provided by Bialosky Cleveland, were available for viewing throughout the building.
The Library was awarded a grant of $10,000 through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to purchase a universal changing table. The universal changing will be installed in a public restroom in the renovated building.
September 2024: At the September meeting, the Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees authorized the Director and Fiscal Officer to enter into a lease with the Lakeview Enterprise Campus to provide office space for library staff during the renovation. The Board of Trustees also authorized the Director and Fiscal Officer to seek bids and enter into an agreement for Moving Services.
Director Armstrong and Deputy Director Bowman offered two Renovation Town Halls to residents to provide an update on the upcoming renovation plans.
August 2024: The Euclid Public Library began the Construction Documents phase with Bialosky Cleveland. Cost estimating and reconciliation was also completed in August.
July 2024: In July 2024 Euclid Public Library completed the Design Development Phase with Bialosky Cleveland.
The Euclid Library Board of Trustees authorized the Director and Fiscal Officer to enter, on behalf of the board, into a lease agreement for the former Rite Aid building and to negotiate and enter into a lease for office space for staff at their July 30, 2024 meeting.
The Library was informed that it had been awarded One Time Strategic Investment Funds from the State of Ohio. The Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved a resolution to accept the funds that will be used to extend library services to the southwest corner of Euclid.
June 2024: The Euclid Public Library approved the Shore Cultural Centre lease agreement for rooms 39 & 41. The two rooms will be used for public programming during the library renovation project.
Euclid Library received funding ($13.5 M) for the renovation project. The Library continued to review options for a temporary location during the upcoming renovation of the Library.
May 2024: Euclid Library learned that Moody's Investors Services assigned a A1 issuer to Euclid Public Library.
Fiscal Officer David Piskac and Director Kacie Armstrong traveled to Chicago to make a presentation at a bond rating meeting with Moody's Investors Services. Euclid's Mayor Kirsten Holzheimer Gail joined the meeting remotely.
The Euclid Public Library entered the Design and Development Phase of the Project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects.
April 2024: Bialosky Cleveland Architects and Turner Construction completed an on-site walk through of the Euclid Public Library.
March 2024: The Euclid Public Library entered the Schematic Design Phase of the Project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects. The library continues to consider location options for a temporary move needed during the construction phase of the library renovation project.
February 2024: The Euclid Public Library concluded the Programming and Planning Phase of the Project with Bialosky Cleveland Architects.
January 2024: The Euclid Public Library held a Facility kickoff meeting with Bialosky Cleveland Architects on January 9, 2024.
The Euclid Public Library’s Board of Trustees passed a resolution to approve Sudsina & Associates to provide Municipal Advisor services during the underwriting process to secure library renovation funding. The Board of Trustees also approved Stifel to underwrite the library municipal securities transaction for series 2024 Bonds and/or Notes. The Fiscal Officer is anticipating completion of the securities sale by the end of May 2024.
Euclid Public Library's Owner's Representative Roger Riachi from RFC Contracting attended the Special Committee Meeting of the Building and Property Committee meeting on January 23, 2024, to discuss the Construction Manager At-Risk contract with Turner Construction. The Euclid Public Library Board of Trustees approved a resolution to enter into a contract with Turner Construction to renovate, improve and equip the Euclid Public Library.
Stakeholders and patrons are encouraged to stay up-to-date during the Library renovation project by visiting the Library Renovation section of the website, signing up for our eNewsletter, and following us on social media.