Annual_Report_2022 UPDATED 6-13

BY THE NUMBERS Facebook Followers 3 For Me cards issued Teen Triad cards issued Passport Executed Population served Total Annual Expenditures Materials Expenditures Percentage of Expenitures spent on materials Days/Hours of service per week staff members Percentage of professional librarians on staff 1.9K 416 663 371 48,496 $6,193,080 $599,630 12% 7/63 61 21% LIBRARY COLLECTIONS THE WAYS YOU NEEDED US Items borrowed Hoopla items borrowed eMedia items borrowed Mobile Hotspots CD and Playaway circulation Computer games loaned Computer usage Physical visits to our building Program participation, all ages Meetings in public meeting rooms Attendees for public use of meeting rooms Questions answered at all public service desks DVDs borrowed from Adult Department New library card applications Items circulated through interloan Children's iPad uses 662,985 13,905 75,562 3,664 18,243 3,891 36,463 169,033 22,421 309 4,340 60,056 107,943 2,209 133,728 1,398 Books 224,071 Audiobooks & CDs 22,287 eMedia/eBooks (Overdrive) 61,657 Magazines 4,644 Movies 126,171 Property Taxes (City of Euclid) $ 2,967,523 52.85% Public Library Fund (State Revenue) $ 2,279,419 40.59% Intergovernmental Revenue $ 268,656 4.78% Fines and Fees $ 3,175 0.06% Other Revenue $ 96,420 1.72% ______________________ Total Revenue Before Advances $ 5,615,193 100.00% Advance-In $ 550 ______________ Total Annual Revenue $5,615,743 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Salaries and Benefits $ 3,396,873 69.42% Utilities and Purchased Services $ 775,062 15.84% Library Materials and Information $ 599,630 12.25% Supplies $ 73,194 1.50% Capital Outlay $ 29,854 0.61% Other Expenditures $ 18,467 0.38% Total Expenditures Before Advances & Transfers: Advances-Out $ 0 Transfers to Building Fund $ 1,300,000 Total Annual Expenditures $ 6,193,080 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES _____________________ $ 4,893,080 100.00%